How To Find Us

The Lake is situated in rural countryside, yet just 10 minutes south off junction 16 of the M4.

The Lake
H5 Adventure
Upper Ham Farm
Royal Wootton Bassett
SN4 7RZ.

Locate us by using what3words:///unpacked.hurricane.subplot

Using Google Maps, type in H5 Adventure and a Red Pointer should come up at our entrance, block paved. Please drive slowly up to our electric gate it will open. At the crossroads, turn left onto a gravel track, please drive slowly, and find us at The Lake.

SAT NAVs take you within a few hundred meters from us, so please use the directions below too.

How to find us by car

From Royal Wootton Bassett:

  1. Take Marlborough Road, B4041 out of Royal Wootton Bassett to Broad Town, Broad Hinton
  2. After leaving Royal Wootton Bassett, continue for a ¼ Kilometre, turn right off this road following signs for ‘Hilmarton’, ‘Clyffe Pypard’ & ‘Bushton’
  3. After 2 Kilometres, a sharp bend to the right, turn left here, signposted, to ‘Thornhill’ and ‘No Passing Places’ which don’t be alarmed, there are some
  4. Entrance is 500 meters along this single tracked country lane, pasted the white gate on your left hand side and horse yard too. Large farmhouse on right hand side, and as the road bends to the left, turn right over a large block paved entrance
  5. An electric gate in front of you will open when you drive towards it
  6. Please drive slowly along gravel track, turn left at crossroads to The Lake

From Wroughton:

  1. Leaving Wroughton on the A4361 to Avebury, after 4 Kilometers, turn right to Broad Hinton onto Yew Tree Lane
  2. Continue for 600 meters arrive at T junction, turn right onto B4041to Broad Town
  3. C.Continue for 4 Kilometers, down a steep hill and through Broad Town. Turn left, signposted for ‘Hilmarton’, ‘Clyffe Pypard’ & ‘Bushton.’ then follow step, 3, above

Any issues on the day, please call our office on 01793 731 068


You can drive through our entrance, where you will be met, by one of our staff to explain where you can turn around and or park up for the day.

Ready to start the adventure?

Call for bookings and enquiries

01793 731 068
